2023-11-15 16:41

一份礼物, 一个大家的“家”

A Gift, a "Home" for All


Speech at the Inauguration of the School of Design Building

阮昕  RUAN Xing,


Dean of the Shanghai Jiao Tong School of Design, and Architect of the Design Building


April 7, 2023


Dear Students, Colleagues and Friends:


      Good morning!

歌声把我们带到了如愿的时刻;前面绕梁的巴赫也都让我们胸中充溢着一种幸福感。大楼虽未完工,但我们已心似箭。在这个时刻,作为2138cn太阳集团古天乐的院长,恰巧也是大家现在身处其中设计大楼的建筑师,我有千言万语,却不知从何说起… …

The choir we just heard has brought us to the moment of “fulfilment"; the sound of Bach resounding in the hall has filled our hearts with happiness. Although the building is not yet complete, we cannot wait to move in, for our conviction holds fast like the path of an arrow. At this moment, as the dean of the School of Design, who also happens to be the architect of the building where we now find ourselves, I have a thousand words to say. But I do not know where to start.


I’m guessing, you hope that I will take this opportunity to talk about the concept of design. President Lin once said in a public remark: "Ruan Xing, you take designing the building and the School as a family affair". Whether it was praise or criticism, after having carefully considered these words, I have realized that in my career of more than 30 years in the design profession, there have been two buildings that I designed and built as "homes": one that home built together with my architect wife for ourselves and our children in the distant land “down under"; the other being the "home" for all of us in the School of Design.


What is "home"? In addition to providing shelter from the elements, it ought to enshrine hope in our lives and provide sanctuary from disappointment. My wild wish for this home of the School is that when you jump out of bed eagerly in the morning and walk into the Design Building with joy, the animated daylight in this hall and your room will lift your spirits; and when you are frustrated and forced to step into the building, its warm ambience will constitute an emotional "harbour".

以上是近乎电影般的场景,但当一个设计师沉浸于一种浪漫的想象时,往往无法自拔。至于设计的初心和含义,这个厅堂来源于中国春秋还是古罗马?伟岸的天花是宋代编木拱还是欧洲古代的穹隆?栏杆的纹样和木柱收分的建筑学含义为何?日光经由窗的训化而产生了何种体积感和质感?林林总总的房间为何更像一群性格迥异的角色?报告厅的座椅是云彩之下漂浮于池塘中的百合花吗?这个厅堂是剧场?还是城市中的广场?粗糙和细腻的外墙面经由岁月的侵蚀会如何老去?… …

The above is an almost cinematic scene, but when a designer is immersed in romantic imagination, he often cannot extricate himself. As for the original intention and meaning of "design", does this hall originate in the Spring and Autumn Period of China, or in ancient Rome? Is the soaring ceiling a levered wooden arch from the Song Dynasty or a classic European vault? What is the architectural significance of the balustrade pattern and, the fluted and taped timber columns? What kind of volume and texture does daylight create through the "taming" of windows? Why do all kinds of rooms look more like a group of characters with different personalities? Are the seats in the auditorium lilies floating in a pond below the clouds? Is this hall a theatre? Or a piazza in the city? How will the coarse and fine exterior walls age over time?

如此这般,都是这幢大楼作为一个设计实验室的一些粗浅尝试。不过借用钱钟书先生的一个表达,我也不妨建议,吃鸡蛋就好,不必去管那只下蛋的母鸡… …

These are all the first attempts to use this building as a "laboratory for design". But borrowing an expression from the writer Qian Zhongshu, I might as well suggest that one shall just eat eggs and not worry about the hen that lays them.

既然这幢大楼的每一条线、每一个面、每一片色彩、每一种质感,我都尽了力去想象、勾画和实施。虽未能做到尽如人意,我倒是想凭这点苦劳给自己一个特权,以便向这个家未来的成员和访客提一个使用要求:借用英国19世纪设计师和社会主义作家William Morris所言,“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.”(家中勿存无用和不美之物!)

Since I tried my best to imagine, draw and materialise every line, facet, colour, and form of texture, though I did not realise all what I expected, I would like to grant myself a privilege based on this hard labour: To request future members and visitors of this home by using the words of William Morris, the 19th-century British designer and socialist writer: "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful".

大家会发现,我们这个家很简朴,或者说俭节:没有所谓的精装修,一切均所见即所是。Morris的要求其实仅是表象,因为他远没有理解到我们中国古代大贤的哲理境界,那就是大道至简以求 无用之大用

You will find that our home is very simple, or even frugal: There is no so-called "exquisite fitout." Everything is as meets the eye. Morris's request is in fact only superficial, because he is far from an understanding of the philosophical contours of ancient Chinese sages, that of "the great principle of approaching simplicity" in pursuit of "the usefulness of the uselessness".


In fact, my most important task today is to express thankfulness and gratitude. Everyone here and many people who are not here are the ones whom I want to thank. There are so many people who have devoted their efforts to this building. "If you get one right, then ten thousand are left out," but I can only "get one right" today. I must ask for your forgiveness in advance, and I will try my best to be thorough next time. What I have to say today is that if there is any design philosophy behind the design of the building, it is this: architecture is a gift!

法国现代建筑师Le Corbusier在他设计的印度昌迪加尔行政中心的广场上做了一只形似张开之手的雕塑,取名Open Hand - open to receive and open to give. (去接受,去给予。)

The French modern architect Le Corbusier made a sculpture shaped like an open hand in the square of the administrative centre he designed in Chandigarh, India, and named it Open Hand—open to receive and open to give.


A high degree of trust was placed in me and in the School of Design by President Lin in this instance of assigning the responsibility for the design, with me serving as the architect.  A design task has thus turned into a weighty gift! Accepting this gift represents a huge responsibility, as well as risk for the architect. So ultimately what can the architect give back in return? If he has some luck and has not been completely defeated after all the hardships, he may be able to build a "home" for a group of people that he is very fond of: as mentioned, he hopes to add delight to the life in the "homes" in every corner of the building, and hopes everyone under the uplifting ceiling of the hall can live and work with more dignity


In addition, I have a little self-indulgence, and today I shall confess: When I was a child, I dreamed of growing up to become a painter. Unfortunately, I've always been terrible at drawing. Since becoming an architect, I have often pondered: Can architecture be a form of portrait of people? Through this Design Building, I hope to depict a vast mind and magnanimity, in addition to a teacher who has called Shanghai Jiao Tong University his home throughout his career. Mr. Qian Zhongshu once ridiculed an author for placing a dedication to a certain someone on the book’s title page, calling this "cleverly dishonest", because a book belongs to its author no matter whether excellent or poor. But an author’s sincerity needs a channel through which to be expressed!


Dear President Lin, please allow me, and I hope also on behalf of the School of Design, to regard this Design Building as a sort of portrait of character—as a gift to be presented to you!


President Ding recently explained at the graduation ceremony the structure of cross-disciplinary work and the integration of the sciences and arts at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, as well as the characteristic of its people who actively innovate driven by their own curiosity and by nature of problems they encounter. In my view, this is an academic portrait carefully illustrated by President Ding of the design discipline and the educational ethos in the School of Design! I believe that the entire "family" of the School of Design will take the inauguration of the building as a new starting point, live up to expectations, and reach new heights!


Here, on behalf of the School of Design, I would also like to express an attitude of openness for the entire university: I sincerely invite everyone to visit and use the Design Building more oftern! We hope that the Design Building will become a civic hall on campus that breaks the boundaries that divide both disciplines and communication between people, to be a "home" for all members of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.


Finally, I would like to thank everyone here for your trust and support in me, in the design discipline, and in the School! Thank you again for coming and witnessing this historical moment!
