2022-5-4 10:50

学术快讯 | 2138cn太阳集团古天乐设计学硕士研究生在ACM SIGCHI发表论文并口头报告

5月3日上午9时 (UTC -05:00),2138cn太阳集团古天乐朱歆宇同学作为小组代表,以线上视频汇报的形式在Trust and Control in AI Systems主题分会场进行论文分享。本论文研究由设计学研二同学朱歆宇、张兴国和陈子楠,在常丹妮、董占勋、顾振宇三位老师的指导下完成。


The Trusted Listener: 

The Influence of Anthropomorphic Eye Design of Social Robots on User's Perception of Trustworthiness




Nowadays, social robots have become human's important companions. The anthropomorphic features of robots, which are important in building natural user experience and trustable human-robot partnership, have attracted increasing attention. Among these features, eyes attract most audience's attention and are particularly important. This study aims to investigate the influence of robot eye design on users’ trustworthiness perception. Specifically, a simulation robot model was developed. Three sets of experiments involving sixty-six participants were conducted to investigate the effects of (i) visual complexity of eye design, (ii) blink rate, and (iii) gaze aversion of social robots on users’ perceived trustworthiness. Results indicate that high visual complexity and gaze aversion lead to higher perceived trustworthiness and reveal a positive correlation between the perceived anthropomorphic effect of eye design and users’ perceived trust, while a non-significant effect of blink rate has been found. Preliminary suggestions are provided for the design of social robots in future works.

如今,社交机器人已经成为人类重要的伙伴。机器人的拟人化特征对于促进良好的用户体验、帮助建立人机信任起着至关重要的作用,因此受到越来越多研究者的关注。在这些特征中,眼睛最能吸引人们的注意力,眼神交流也是尤为重要的非语言线索。本研究旨在调查机器人眼睛设计对用户感知可信度的影响。具体而言,我们开发了一个机器人模型,并开展了涉及 66 名参与者的三组实验,以探究社交机器人 (i) 眼睛设计的视觉复杂度、(ii) 眨眼频率和 (iii) 注视规避行为对用户感知可信度的影响。结果表明,高视觉复杂度的眼睛设计和注视规避行为可带来更高的感知可信度,也揭示出眼睛设计的拟人程度与其感知可信度之间存在一定正相关关系,而眨眼频率不显著影响感知可信度。本研究可为未来社交机器人提供初步设计参考。


ACM CHI(ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems)是人机交互领域最重要的国际会议,属于CCF A类,Core Conference A*类会议,H-5 index为94,Impact Score高达13.7。CHI每年都会吸引来自世界各地、不同文化背景的研究人员和从业者,交流人机交互领域最新的学术研究成果,会议的首要目标是通过交互式数字技术让世界变得更美好。CHI’22于2022年4月30日至5月5日,在New Orleans, LA召开,采用线上线下混合的参会模式。CHI’22 共接受638篇论文,接受率约为24.7%。


